Monday, April 28, 2008

Road racism...

This afternoon someone brought up the subject of rising food prices and food shortage-related riots that have been going on internationally. In response, Sara (a quiet newer rider) said off-handedly something akin to "and we wonder why people try to come into this country." In response, the driver, Jim, said something that I can't remember about illegal immigrants and Mexico and then checked himself saying, "Of course, we've got to be careful because we have an illegal immigrant here in the van with us," and gestured to Oscar who was sitting shotgun. [Here's some background that will prove useful for the rest of the story: Oscar is Filipino, his parents immigrated to the US, but he was born here. Other than Oscar, at least Sara and I know this about Oscar.]

Now, back to the story. Sara either didn't hear what Jim said, or more likely couldn't believe what she said and asked him to repeat himself. Meanwhile, Oscar and I start laughing uncomfortably. So, Jim starts to repeat himself, but rather than just resaying his earlier statement, he asks Oscar a series of questions that included at least the following:

  • You're Mexican aren't you?

  • Were you an illegal immigrant?

  • Are you second generation American?

  • Did you immigrate to the US?

Each of these was met with a prompt "No" from Oscar and uncomfortable laughter from Oscar, Sara and me. Finally, Jim asked Oscar, "So, where are you from." Oscar responded explaining his family's immigration history and in what was I think an effort to mitigate how badly he looked, Jim added "Well, you know I'm an immigrant too. I was born in Norway." Seriously.

Meanwhile, the conversation was so obviously awkward that sometime during Jim's questions for Oscar Kristi tried to alleviate the tension. While they were talking she would throw in things like: "Well aren't we all immigrants here?" Followed up with: "I know that my ancestors came from somewhere in Europe." It was actually kind of cute watching her try to alleviate the tension.

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