Wednesday, May 7, 2008

you're so vain...

I've noticed that when I sit directly behind the driver that I tend to stare at myself in the rear view mirror. Weird, right? Seriously, I'll realize that I'm looking at myself, look away and then find I'm making eye contact with myself 5 or 10 minutes later. Normally I don't consider myself a particularly vain person, but I guess there's more vanity there than I thought. Feel free to call me Narcissus.

In my defense, every time I find myself looking at her in the mirror, she's staring right back at me.

And, because I can't help myself, here's every mirror-related joke I came up with, but didn't add to the text of this message:
  • I'm starting with the [wo]man in the mirror
  • Mirror, mirror on the [windshield]
  • There's that lady who follows me everywhere. (Side note: this is the sort of thing I say to my niece & nephews when they see their reflections.)
  • You're pretty. No, you're pretty. No, you're pretty. No, you're pretty.

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