Thursday, July 17, 2008

vanpooling, it's a gas...

You know how people all around us are talking about how one of the good effects of the horrendous gas prices is that people are taking alternate commute options to work and isn't it great? Yeah, well, if you're one of the people who has been taking such an alternate commute option for a long time the gas prices mean that there are consistently a lot more people joining you in your alternative commute-style. My van is a twelve passenger van, there have consistently nine, ten, or eleven people on the van for the past few weeks (and that's with a holiday weekend and some drama diluting the pool).

Yes, it's probably better for the economy and it's certainly better for the environment. And yes, Al Gore would be happy. But, here's an inconvenient truth for you, I'd like some more personal space, please.

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