Friday, August 8, 2008

nucking futs

Last night we passed a car that had a bumper sticker that read "I'm going nucking futs!". Here's Kristi's response:
Kristi: Nucking futs.
Kristi: Nucking futs (laughter).
Kristi: It says 'I'm going nucking futs'.
Kristi: I'm going nucking futs.
Kristi: Nucking futs (laughter)
Kristi: Nucking futs (much, much laughter)

And how.

Clearly Kristi liked that bumpber sticker. Here are some of my favorites from the road:
  • Jesus is coming, everyone look busy.
  • I'm pro life jacket and I boat.
  • A black ribbon (like the yellow support the troops or pink breast cancer ribbons) that read "sex, drugs, Rock 'N' Roll"

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